Rule Utilitarianism
We ought to adopt moral rules which, if followed by everyone, will lead to the greatest increase in total happiness
Act utilitarianism applies Principle of Utility to individual actions
Act Utilitarianism
Morality of an action has nothing to do with intent
Focuses on the consequence
A consequentialist theory
Act Utilitarianism
Add up change in happiness of all affected begins
Case of Utilitarianism
Focus on happiness
Down to earth (practical)
Workable ethical theory
Case Against Act Utilitarianism
Unclear whom to include in calculations
Too much work
Ignores our innate sense of duty
Susceptible to the problem of moral luck
Case Against Utilitarianism in General
All consequences must be measured on a single scale.
Utilitarianism ignores the problem of an unjust distribution of good consequences.
Utilitarianism does not mean “the greatest good for the greatest number”
That requires a principle of justice
What happens when a conflict arises between the principle of utility and a principle of justice?