Intellectual property rights specify how intellectual property, such as original music
compositions, drawings, essays, software programs, symbols, and designs, may be lawfully
used. Copyrights protect the creators of original artistic or literacy works and are granted
automatically once a work exists in a physical medium. A copyright can be registered,
which provides additional protection should infringement occur. The copyright symbol © can
be used to remind others that content is copyrighted. Digital watermarks can be
incorporated into digital content so that the copyright information can be viewed, even if the
work is altered. Digital rights management (DRM) software can be used to protect the
rights of creators and to manage digital content, such as art music, photographs, and
movies. Trademarks are words, phrases, symbols, or designed that identify an
organization’s goods or services and can be either claimed or registered. Patents grant an
exclusive right to an invention for 20 years. In addition to products, processes and
procedures may be patented as well.