To reduce the degree of variability in ripening experiments,assessment of ripening stages should be as accurate and rapid aspossible. The harvest of tomato fruit is usually based on a compar-ison of color fruit to color charts, time from anthesis (Zhang et al.,2009), time from breaker stage or green mature stage, determina-tion of the color parameters or the firmness, or both, and Ramanspectroscopy (Qin et al., 2012). Several of these techniques are time-consuming and not adequate when immediate fruit processing isrequired. On the other hand, when tomato cv. “Micro-Tom” fruitswere harvested employing periods’ based methods and visuallyinspected (externally and internally), they do not show develop-mental synchrony. In this work, it is shown that external visualappreciation of color corresponds with color parameters. This cri-terion helps to make a quick harvesting of fruits and fulfills therequisite of uniformity in fruit developmental stages. Additionallythis approach was used to evaluate the chilling effect on the finalquality of tomato cv. “Micro-Tom” fruit.