How are you today? I hope that you are good, and feel encouraged on our way to our dream of sharing our life together. I do with all my heart. And you do not have to worry, I understand you. If your english is not so good right now, it will get better when we talk more, and become more close. It was so good for me to see you, and you make my days brighter every day my love. I thank you for that you will wait for me, and help me when I come to see you. It makes me feel loved by you, and safe with you. I am happy to hear that you were just as excited as me when we talked, and I cant wait to the the next time we can talk. I will be on skype tomorrow, at 14:00 (thailand clock) and wait for you my love.
I hope that your day at work was good aswell, I will soon go to my work. I long to be with you my love, and to hold you close. You are all I dream of and can think of in my days. I love you, Aranya. I always will.