many of his inventions and designs arose from the playful, imaginary combinations he made of different forms. although the seriousness and intensity that leonardo brought to his studies cannot be overemphasized, he was, as his love of jokes, riddles, and boxed dragons demonstrates, extremely playful. as freud commented, "indeed, the great leonardo remained like a child for the whole of his llife... even as an adult he continued to play and that was another reason he often appeared uncanny and incomprehensible to his contemporaries." leonardo's seriousness drove him to penetrate the essence of things, and his playfulness allowed him to make unprecedented, original connections.
for leonardo, connessione began with his love of nature and intensified through his investigration of human and animal anatomy. his studies of comparative anatomy included dissections of horses, cows, pigs, and many other animals. he noted distinctions and drew connections between the tongue of a woodpecker and the jaw of a crocodile. he related the legs of a frog, the foot of a bear, the eyes of a lion, and the pupils of an owl to those of man. clearly, his studies went far beyon what was needed to provide a painter with the knowledge required for accurate representaion. leonardo studied the human body as a whole system, a coordinated pattern of interdependent relationships. as he describes it, "... i will speak of the functions of each part in every direction, putting before your eyes a description of the whole form and substance of man."
leonardo referred to his studies of anatomy as a "cosmografica delminor mondo," a "cosmography of the microcosm." his appreciation for the natural proportions of the body were reflected in his architectural and city planning studies. his understanding of the body formed the metaphor for his insights into the eath as wing system.