Rating Definitions
5- Exceptional - Superior performance marked with creative, innovative results that exceed job
responsibilities, objectives and performance factors. Individual is acknowledged as a leader and model.
4- Consistently Exceeds - Employee consistently exceeds job responsibilities, objectives and performance factors for the position held, and demonstrates highly proficient job performance.
3- Consistently Meets - Employee consistently meets job responsibilities, objectives and performance factors, and may exceed expectations in some areas.
2- Acceptable - Employee who is new to Morinda, or new to the position. Requires reasonable training and direction. Continues to show development and is progressing toward job proficiency.
Employee who has failed to meet expectations on at least one significant occasion.
1– Improvement Required - Performance is not meeting the expected level given the time, training, and direction provided to the individual. Individual has consistently failed to meet expectations. An employee may have performed at a higher level in the past. Employees in this category must be discussed with your HR Representative and an improvement plan must be implemented.