„First did not say, words Sir Headmaster who you said that will not believe that even if Thaksin, will not kill me absolutely, finally the one who is bad luck is you, fights with me, you cannot fight.”
„Ha Ha Ha Ha” Tuoba Shakuang laughs suddenly, smiles unusual loud, is exceptionally rampant.
At this moment, the double fist of Hong Qiang air/Qi grips tightly, he thinks really a palm of the hand claps while still alive Tuoba Shakuang, is he cannot, because he also knows, if like this has killed Tuoba Shakuang, he is all right but actually, but will draw on the root of trouble to Chu Feng obviously.
„What are you making?” However, at this moment, the sound, resounds from the kilometer beyond together suddenly, waits and sees along the sound, Tuoba Shakuang the facial features big change, formerly also rampant he, at this moment probably really ate excrement to be the same immediately, could not smile again.
Beyond the kilometer, a person is treading to be spatial and good, this person is not others, is Azure Tree Mountain Headmaster, Dugu Xingfeng.
„Sir Headmaster, you must take responsibility for the subordinate.” Suddenly, Tuoba Shakuang called out pitifully, then hurried to run up to front of Dugu Xingfeng, unexpectedly complaining.
„Sha Kuang, what happened, you don't be upset, from the beginning mentioned.” Dugu Xingfeng tranquil asking.
„Sir Headmaster, is Chu Feng, Chu Feng this, the treason and heresy, joint this Hong Qiang, wants to extinguish unexpectedly kills in me, the promptness that if not for Sir Headmaster comes, the subordinate must die here surely.” Tuoba Shakuang, whole face suffering from injustice saying.
„Oh? Can Chu Feng kill you? Why he kills you, why will you come here?” Dugu Xingfeng asked.
„This child has borne a grudge to me, already wants to take my life, the subordinate was deceived by him.” Tuoba Shakuang talked irresponsibly, lay does not use dozen of rough drafts, what was similar he to say was really general.
„Graciousness”, but at this moment, Dugu Xingfeng nodded, afterward the corners of the mouth raise suddenly wipe the light happy expression, this once again looks to Tuoba Shakuang, asked: „Sha Kuang, you have a look at me carefully.”
„Does Sir Headmaster, what have a look at?” Tuoba Shakuang is somewhat puzzled.
„You looked that I do look like that the person who is easily swindled?” Dugu Xingfeng asked.
„Side I” Tuoba Shakuang, the words arrive in port, could not say, the complexion once again becomes pale.
At this moment, the Dugu Xingfeng complexion transfers coldly, lifts the foot suddenly, only listens to „Bang”, this foot then fell on the body of Tuoba Shakuang, trampled about several li (0.5km) him directly.
PS: Sorry, daytime has the matter, comes back is quite late, renewal late, but also looks at everybody to forgive, but please feel relieved that today's three chapters, a chapter will not be few, endures dawn me also to finish.