By maintaining a temperature difference between the top
and bottom parts of the reaction vessel, the Mg placed in the
bottom part of reaction vessel evaporates, and then condenses
in the top part of the reaction vessel. The condensed liquid
Mg drips into the scrap in the iron crucible, and Nd in the
scrap alloy combines with liquid Mg. The Mg–Nd liquid
alloy thus formed is drained through the slit of the iron
crucible into the tantalum crucible placed at the bottom of the
reaction vessel. As the vapor pressure of Nd is extremely low,
c.a. 106 atm even at 1300 K5) (cf. pMg ¼ 0:73 atm @
1300 K), only Mg evaporates out of the Mg–Nd liquid alloy,
and Nd accumulates in the tantalum crucible. The evaporated
Mg once again, condenses at the to pof the vessel, and acts as
an extraction medium. Thus Mg circulates in the reaction
vessel, and Nd is continuously extracted from the scrap. If the
scrap was simply dipped in molten Mg, the extraction of Nd
is hindered when the concentration of Nd in Mg–Nd alloy
increases. However, by using the circulating Mg method
employed in this study, fresh Mg is constantly supplied to the
scrap and extraction efficiency is expected to be high even
when a small amount of Mg is used.