Geology Today Today, the basic tenets of uniformitarianism ar justas viable as in Hutton's day. realize more strongly than ever that the Indeed, we present gives us insight into the past and that the physical, chemi and biological laws that govern geological processes remain unchanging through time. However, we also understand that the should not be taken too literally. To say that geological doctrine processes in the past were the same as those occurring today isnotto suggest that they always had the same relative importance or that they operated at precisely the same rate. Moreover, someimportant geologic processes are not currently observable, but evidence that they occur is well established. For example, weknowthat Earth has experienced impacts from large meteorites even though we have no human witnesses. Such events altered Earth's crust, modified its climate, and strongly influenced life on the planet. The acceptance of uniformitarianism meant the acceptance of a very long history for Earth. Although Earths processes varyin intensity, they still take a very long time to create or destroy major landscape features