The project was a longitudinal study which took place between
October 2005 and April 2008. One member of the research team
was at that time employed in the consultancy scheme described
above and was responsible for providing comprehensive support
and training to food businesses in the process of implementing
HACCP. The study recruited an opportunistic sample that
comprised all those premises allocated to the researcher in 2005.
The food businesses had all formally applied for the consultancy
support. Implementation of a Food Safety Management Systemwas
a legal requirement and Food Business Operators in Cyprus were
required to comply or face possible closure of the business. The
consultancy scheme was a government supported with universal
uptake by the businesses. This made the inclusion of a matched
control group in the study impossible. The sample group included
restaurants, fast food enterprises, catering premises, traditional
tavernas, confectionaries, meat products premises and bakeries,
reflecting the range of businesses trading on the Island of Cyprus.
The participants were located in all areas of the Island and none had
more than 21 employees. These characteristics indicate that the
composition of the sample group was representative of the food
businesses in Cyprus. In total fifty volunteer SME's were recruited
to participate in the study. Cochran's equation (confidence level
95% and precision 10%) identified a minimum sample size of 45
The project was a longitudinal study which took place betweenOctober 2005 and April 2008. One member of the research teamwas at that time employed in the consultancy scheme describedabove and was responsible for providing comprehensive supportand training to food businesses in the process of implementingHACCP. The study recruited an opportunistic sample thatcomprised all those premises allocated to the researcher in 2005.The food businesses had all formally applied for the consultancysupport. Implementation of a Food Safety Management Systemwasa legal requirement and Food Business Operators in Cyprus wererequired to comply or face possible closure of the business. Theconsultancy scheme was a government supported with universaluptake by the businesses. This made the inclusion of a matchedcontrol group in the study impossible. The sample group includedrestaurants, fast food enterprises, catering premises, traditionaltavernas, confectionaries, meat products premises and bakeries,reflecting the range of businesses trading on the Island of Cyprus.The participants were located in all areas of the Island and none hadmore than 21 employees. These characteristics indicate that thecomposition of the sample group was representative of the foodbusinesses in Cyprus. In total fifty volunteer SME's were recruitedto participate in the study. Cochran's equation (confidence level95% and precision 10%) identified a minimum sample size of 45
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