The properties of worts obtained after mashing the different cereal malts are presented in Table 1.
Barley-derived wort gave higher values for extract ( 11 °P ) and attenuation limit ( 8 8.0%) and the filtration rate was very fast. For millet and sorghumderived worts, the respective values for extract
( 10.0°P and 10.5°P) and attenuation limit (66.8% and 71.2%) obtained after mashing were lower
than those of barley wort. These differences are due mainly to the varying levels of hydrolytic
enzymes of the different cereal malts for which barley is quite unique. The poor filtration rates
recorded for millet and sorghum were due to low β-glucanase developed in these cereals during
malting, even though it has been reported that this enzyme is developed more in millet than in
sorghum malts.