4.1. Discussion
A key observation from the findings presented, is that the knowledge gap expressed in the literature and the aim of the study to provide a competency profile for innovation leadership, have both been addressed through the creation of the proposed profile.
The four-quadrant competency profile with its underpinning elements was proposed as framework for indicating the interdependence and coherent workings of these elements. From this framework, further validation may be conducted to establish a model.While different respondents place different values on the significance of individual competencies, the four quadrants were all derived from competencies rated as critically significant. The significance of the four quadrants suggests that none of them should be neglected in the application of the profile in a given innovation context.
The profile breaks away from the mould of a linear mode by proposing a dynamic framework where different competencies contribute individually and collectively in a systemic manner for innovation leadership success.Bold leadership is needed to take innovation in the form of new solutions forward. The proposed profile provides a range of competencies that have been described by followers as highly significant in the successful pursuit of innovation leadership. Novice and experienced leaders may benefit from comparing their own practices with the competencies in the profile to influence personal development choices.