Now, at the Allied Trade Association. ——-
Zhang Guanyu had a very gloomy expression as he reclined against a couch. At this side were two beautifully dressed maids standing beside him in fear and trepidation.
When Lin Ming had gone to the Ten Thousand Killing Array for the assessment, Zhang Guanyu was one of the first to receive the news. He could easily have rushed over to see Lin Ming’s assessment, but he was not even a cent interested in seeing Lin Ming show off in front of everyone.
When Lin Ming had finished the assessment, Zhang Guanyu was also one of the first to receive a sound transmitting talisman with the results.
Only two months, and he had reached the sixth rank of the Ten Thousand Killing Array!
This result caused Zhang Guanyu to feel uneasy. Although the first 3 ranks on the Ranking stone were far away enough from the fourth that they couldn’t even be considered in the same category, and Zhang Guanyu’s strength had also progressed considerably recently, the speed at which Lin Ming was progressing was simply too horrifying. If another two months passed, would even the heavens know how much he progressed?
Now Zhang Guanyu had the feeling of having ridden the back of dangerous tiger; he could no longer back down.
“Young Master… are you looking for me?” Zhang Guanyu turned to see a middle-aged man at the Viscera Training stage walk into the room.
The middle-aged man bowed. He had also heard the news about Lin Ming reaching the sixth rank. Concerning this result, he could only sigh. Two months ago he had disapproved when Zhang Guanyu had gone to provoke Lin Ming, but it was not his place to order Zhang Guanyu on how to handle his affairs.
Now that he had already offended Lin Ming, it was too late to turn back the hand of time, but also with Zhang Guanyu’s character, he definitely would not rescind his hand.
‘If the young master continues along this path and doesn’t change his nature, then I am afraid there will be future trouble concerning Young Master’s status as the successor of the Allied Trade Association. It will not be good fortune for the young master… the elder will not choose a man with an extreme character to stand at the helm of the Trade Association.’
The middle-aged man silently shook his head; he dared not speak this thought out loud.
Zhang Guanyu sat as he was, looking increasingly dreary and not saying a single word. Zhang Guanyu of course understood what type of person was suitable to be the future heir of the Allied Trade Association, but after having cultivated the ‘Divine Acacia Power’, Zhang Guanyu no longer cared for this vaunted position. What he pursued was eternal youth and infinite Yang essence. The status as chief of the Allied Trade Association was simply riddled with mundane problems, and would affect his cultivation.
After a period of silence, Zhang Guanyu finally said, “Help me contact the Cloud Prince and the Seven Profound Valleys’ Ouyang Dihua. I must seem them.”