Phalaenopsis and Cattleya adaptation is
slow and difficult, however, no references were
found concerning in vitro adaptation by using
different origin substrates for these species.
Doritaenopsis post micropropagation acclimatization
CAM orchids, was studied by Jeon et al.
(2005) who evaluated the effect of light flow
density on morphology, photosynthesis and
growth. Teixeira da Silva et al., (2005) worked
on banana and Cymbidium in vitro acclimatization
and they included the evaluation of growth
parameters in ex vitro conditions. In the present
paper the effect of light on acclimatization was
not evaluated. A gradual plantlets adaptation to
light was accomplished by using half-shadow
as well as controlled watering and nutrition.
The plantlets were fertilized every fifteen days
by using a mixture of N:P:K (7:3,1:7,3) and
ANA (40 mg/l).