Good Night Yuva.
Sure Roxy an spend the week of 27 June through 3 July with me. Roxy will get an interesting
experience being here with me when I am working. And besides, Yuffie will enjoy having a
friend for an extended period of time.
The only note worthy news is the ban on the three finger salute. It is believed to have been
borrowed from the movie, "The Hunger Games". The exact meaning depends on who you ask.
Pretty much, the Red Shirts are asking people to perform the act three times a day. While it may
not be much, it can lead to problems. The Military has banned it. Here is where the Military is
making a mistake. If you crack down on simple liberties, you run the risk of creating support for
something you do not want. In this case, it builds the "Red Shirts" up and helps them to gain
popularity. Sometimes it is best to ignore a little thing than it is to try and stomp it out. The
problem with public unrest is they do not know when to quit. They would appear to want it their
way with no compromise. They sound as far out of touch as our Democratic and Tea Party
members are. And for the US, that is essentially two sides locked into a give no quarter solution.
Give no quarter solution is where neither side will compromise, and neither side is willing to listen.
So there is no common ground on which to negotiate. If you look at it from a military perspective,
it means there will be no mercy and no one will come out alive. So when politics turns to no quarter,
it leaves us with grid lock which can not be changed without the middle of both sides taking control
and getting others to listen. Difficult at best Well enough of my political view point off of Thailand's
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. Stay safe! Thinking of you always.