Shrink Wrapping – from videos to gift baskets and beyond, when it comes to shrink wrapping the heat gun is the only way to go. Here’s a video that compares shrink wrapping with a heat gun vs. a hair dryer. Who do you think will win?
2. Desoldering – one of our specialties is in the electronics department and desoldering is one of the more common uses among our customers. There are many attachments that make it easy to direct the heat to just one component.
3. Paint Drying – probably a more obvious use is to dry paint once it has been applied. If there’s work that needs to be done to a freshly painted wall but can risk messing up the paint, this can decrease your wait time dramatically.
4. Heat Shrink Tubing – another customer favorite is using a heat gun to shrink tubing and around wires for wire harnesses and connections.
5. Paint Stripping – when stripping old paint from furniture or other woodwork, use a heat gun as an alternative to paint solvents or other harsh chemicals. It’s safer and more environmentally friendly! This article from eHow shows us how easy it really is.
6. Weld Plastics – the process is very similar to stick welding. Using a special nozzle for the heat gun and strips of plastic called welding rods, you can weld anything from PVC pipe to floor tiles.