When I came at assumption University.I have many smile. Since I came in first day because I think this is university. it so fantastic and I'm very excited for me
I have made new friends.O have met many friends .I'm so excited to met new friends,new classroom And most important , I'm excited to wear new uniform. Unlike many high school student Because it harder and more classes but then I have some free time over the highschool . I toured around University with friends.
Assumption University make very impressed .I can not believe that this is my university . Here are more beautiful than all the university that I've been to Anywhere within this impressed me to all parts. it is mt second home . I feel all warm and safe as home. There's so any memorable things that happened here. Since first coming on the first day . I have experience from here to get to the very end. The life of my first year as it is the only time to get exicited about this awesome fun together
I hope i many smiles that I have come across in this University