Carter Kane:(Age 14, Red Pyramid and Throne of Fire; age 15, Serpent's Shadow) — The host of the Falcon god, Horus and has the "blood of the Pharaohs," being a descendant of Narmer and Ramses the Great through both sides of his family. He is one of the main protagonists, and is initially described as always dressing "impeccably" in dress shirts and pants due to the influence of his father, Julius, but relaxes into a more modern style as the series progresses. He has dark skin, curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. After the death of his mother, he spent six years travelling with his father and, as he put it, "living out of a suitcase". His speciality is combat magic and his preferred weapon is a khopesh, an ancient Egyptian sword. His girlfriend is Zia Rashid, the host of the sun god Ra.