The initial aim of CAQDAS was to enable researchers to code and retrieve. That is, to mark text and assign codes to various segments, and to enable the researcher to retrieve all segments that share a particular code. The segments can be brought together while remaining in their initial context, and can have additional information, such as name, place and date of record, added to the coded section. Most programs also enable the attachment of memos and analytical notes to segments and passages. Several packages now include hypertext facilities which allow the construction of complex pathways and even the of video and sound also means secondary analysis can involve some of the context of data collection such as field notes and photo- graphs rather than just interview transcripts). It works like searching the internet, following a trace or path to different parts of the data, and is therefore more interactive and less linear than some approaches (Fielding and Lee 1995). Because of its speed and flexibility, hypertext has been shown to be useful in the early stages of analysis when researchers are browsing through various com ponents of data (Fielding and Lee 1998). Coffey et al (1996) note that hypertext software and hypermedia are particularly suitable for the diverse range of representational strategies (or writing techniques) that have been opened up by responses to the reflexive turn (see chapter 9).
The initial aim of CAQDAS was to enable researchers to code and retrieve. That is, to mark text and assign codes to various segments, and to enable the researcher to retrieve all segments that share a particular code. The segments can be brought together while remaining in their initial context, and can have additional information, such as name, place and date of record, added to the coded section. Most programs also enable the attachment of memos and analytical notes to segments and passages. Several packages now include hypertext facilities which allow the construction of complex pathways and even the of video and sound also means secondary analysis can involve some of the context of data collection such as field notes and photo- graphs rather than just interview transcripts). It works like searching the internet, following a trace or path to different parts of the data, and is therefore more interactive and less linear than some approaches (Fielding and Lee 1995). Because of its speed and flexibility, hypertext has been shown to be useful in the early stages of analysis when researchers are browsing through various com ponents of data (Fielding and Lee 1998). Coffey et al (1996) note that hypertext software and hypermedia are particularly suitable for the diverse range of representational strategies (or writing techniques) that have been opened up by responses to the reflexive turn (see chapter 9).
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