Understanding the problem. It is foolish to answer a question that you do not understand. It is sad to work for an end that you do not desire. Such foolish and sad things often happen, in and out of school, but the teacher should try to prevent them from happening in his class. The student should understand the problem. But he should not only understand it, he should also desire its solution. If the student is lacking in understanding or in interest, it is not always his fault; the problem should be well chosen, not too difficult and not too easy, natural and interesting, and some time should be allowed for natural and interesting presentation.
First of all, the verbal statement of the problem must be understood. The teacher can check this, up to a certain extent; he asks the student to repeat the statement, and the student should be able to state the problem fluently. The student should also be able to point out the principal parts of the problem, the unknown, the data, the condition. Hence, the teacher can seldom afford to miss the questions: What is the unknown? What are the data? What is the condition?
The student should consider the principal parts of the problem attentively, repeatedly, and from various sides. If there is a figure connected with the problem he should draw a figure and point out on it the unknown and the data. If it is necessary to give names to these objects he should introduce
suitable notation; devoting some attention to the appropriate choice of signs, he is obliged to consider the objects for which the signs have to be chosen. There is another question which may be useful in this preparatory stage provided that we do not expect a definitive answer but just a provisional answer, a guess: Is it possible to satisfy the condition?
Understanding the problem. It is foolish to answer a question that you do not understand. It is sad to work for an end that you do not desire. Such foolish and sad things often happen, in and out of school, but the teacher should try to prevent them from happening in his class. The student should understand the problem. But he should not only understand it, he should also desire its solution. If the student is lacking in understanding or in interest, it is not always his fault; the problem should be well chosen, not too difficult and not too easy, natural and interesting, and some time should be allowed for natural and interesting presentation.First of all, the verbal statement of the problem must be understood. The teacher can check this, up to a certain extent; he asks the student to repeat the statement, and the student should be able to state the problem fluently. The student should also be able to point out the principal parts of the problem, the unknown, the data, the condition. Hence, the teacher can seldom afford to miss the questions: What is the unknown? What are the data? What is the condition?The student should consider the principal parts of the problem attentively, repeatedly, and from various sides. If there is a figure connected with the problem he should draw a figure and point out on it the unknown and the data. If it is necessary to give names to these objects he should introduce
suitable notation; devoting some attention to the appropriate choice of signs, he is obliged to consider the objects for which the signs have to be chosen. There is another question which may be useful in this preparatory stage provided that we do not expect a definitive answer but just a provisional answer, a guess: Is it possible to satisfy the condition?
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