The growth rate of yeast strains in media containing different concentrations of stalk juice in various genotypes is
shown in Table 3. The results indicated that maximum alcohol production was in Keller and Madhura. High biomass of yeast was observed with genotype BJ 248, supporting the presence of high protein content. High osmo-tolerance was
observed with CFTR 01 as it was producing high biomass and ethanol at 30% substrate concentration. With the usage of
ethanol in blending with petrol, the importance of sweet sorghum as a bio-energy crop is increasing. Sweet sorghum
crop is considered ideal for the production of ethanol by means of fermentation and supplementary to molasses,
because of its short growth cycle, relatively low inputs in terms of crop management, irrigation and its adaptability to
marginal soils [19]. Ethanol can be produced by hydrolysis and fermentation of various plant materials like sweet sorghum
stalk juice, plant carbohydrates, sucrose, inulin, starch, cellulose, grain, wood, maize stalks and other urban waste
materials [20–22]