My dream job would be to become a Nurse. I love working with people and helping in any way that I can. Most people get sick when they see blood and bones. I like to learn about the human anatomy. I am very good at dealing with people who are sick. Being in hospitals does not bother me to most people it does.
I have an aunt who is a nurse at Baptist; she loves her job and is extremely good at it. That is what inspired me to become a nurse. I also have a lot of cousins that are nurses. Making people healthy is a goal that I as well try to follow by. Everyone should feel good about themselves. Nursing takes a huge commitment; you have to study a lot and also may have to work double shifts. Working is something I enjoy doing, I would not mind working double shifts if I was needed to. Depending on what type of nursing you go to school for depends a lot on the type of studies required for that field. Most nursing you do have to know a lot about the human body as well as math and chemistry. To me you would have to like science, and being around people who are hurt and need your help. Going to school is how I am receiving the requirements for my dream job. Making money is always a huge part of a job, especially in this economy. .I would like to have a job that I love doing and make little money rather than have a job I hate making a lot of money. If I was asked to travel as a traveling nurse I would agree to go anywhere they wanted me to. It would give me a great chance to see the world and not just be stuck in one place. If you have a nursing degree you can work anywhere you want to. It is always easy to find a job in that career; we always need nurses to help people. I knew when I was sixteen years old that nursing was my calling in life. I have almost earned all my credits to be able to go to nursing school. I am extremely excited to fulfill my life long dream and succeed in my life long goals.