Internalisation of appearance ideals. Internalisation of societal appearance standards was measured using the five-item Socio-cultural Internalisation of Appearance Questionnaire-Adolescents
(SIAQ-A; Keery, Shroff,Thompson,Wertheim,&Smolak,2004).
The SIAQ-A was chosen because,in contrast to other available measures, it does not contain any items specifically addressing appearance comparison.Participants rated their level of agreement
with each item (e.g.,“I would like my body to look like the bodies of people in the movies”) on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1(definitely disagree) to 5(definitely agree). Scores were summed to
produce a total score which ranged from 5 to 25.High scores indicated greater internalisation of the ideal. Keery, Shroff,et al.(2004) reported high internal consistencies(˛= .83to.92).Reliability for
the present sample was slightly higher(˛= .94).