Mould growth m grams after harvest, dunng shIpment or
while m storage IS mfluenced by several factors These
mclude mOIsture, temperature, msects and other
microorgamsms, aeratIOn, the degree of fungal mfestatIOn
and storage time Excess mOIsture IS conSIdered to be the
most cntical factor contnbuting to mould growth SuffICIent
mOIsture for mould growth ongmates from three sources:
the mtrmslC mOIsture of the gram, mOIsture from the
surroundmg enVIronment (relative humIdIty) and bIOlogIcal
mOIsture. In many cases, drymg gram to mOIsture levels of
12- 15% ISmsuffIClentm preventmg mould growth. ThISIS
due to the relatIOnshIp of gram mOIsture and relative