Populationsa of Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in chunky
peanut butter following RF treatment.
Chunk type Population (log10 CFU/g)
time (s)
S. Typhimurium E. coli O157:H7
0 6.34 0.29 Aa 6.56 0.20 Aa 6.45 0.25 Aa 6.51 0.11 Aa
10 6.34 0.30 Aa 6.67 0.22 Aa 6.46 0.27 Aa 6.46 0.12 Aa
30 5.94 0.09 Aa 6.33 0.35 Aa 5.90 0.29 Aa 6.16 0.28 Aa
50 4.36 0.25 Ba 5.31 0.22 Bb 4.57 0.19 Ba 5.19 0.18 Bb
70 2.69 0.26 Ca 3.28 0.55 Ca 2.61 0.27 Ca 3.44 0.46 Ca
90 1.79 0.25 Da 1.97 0.35 Da 1.13 0.75 Da 1.87 0.50 Da
a Mean of three replications standard deviation. Means with the same capital
letter in the same column are not significantly different (P > 0.05). Means with the
same lowercase letter in the same row are not significantly different (P > 0.05).
b XLD, Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate; OV XLD, overlay XLD agar on TSA; SMAC,
Sorbitol MacConkey agar; SPRAB, Phenol red agar base with 1% sorbitol.