He was shy and awful modest, 'cause he was so high bred
When the wind blew up my bloomers, did his face get red
And he undressed with all the lights off....till we was wed
He had refinement
He would walk next to the gutter, so I shouldn't get hit
With a pillow he'd kill mosquitoes, so I shouldn't get bit
Only certain kinds of exertion for me he'd permit
He had refinement
In the water at Coney Island was our first embrace
When my water wings flew off and hit 'im in the face
He introduced himself before he put 'em back in place
He had refinement
At Luna Park all night we sat
Our food got cold, our beer got flat
I saw what he was driving at
I should've forbid it....but I did it
He had such respect and feelin's all our married life
Just the thought that he might hurt me cut 'im like a knife
And so he never told me that he had another wife
He had refinement
A gentleman to his fingernails was he