Puff pastry is a major contributor of fat and sodium intake in many countries. The objective of this research was to
determine the impact of salt (0–8.4 g/100 g flour) on the structure and quality characteristics of puff pastry with
full and reduced (−40%) fat content as well as the rheological properties of the resulting dough. Therefore, empirical
rheological tests were carried out including dough extensibility, dough stickiness and GlutoPeak test. The
quality of the puff pastry was characterized with the VolScan, Texture Analyzer and C-Cell. NaCl reduction significantly
changed rheological properties of the basic dough as well as a number of major quality characteristics of
the puff pastry. Significant differences due to NaCl addition were found in particular for dough resistance, dough
stickiness, Peak Maximum Time and Maximum Torque (p b 0.05). Peak firmness and total firmness decreased
significantly (p b 0.05) with increasing salt levels for puff pastry containing full fat. Likewise, maximal lift, specific
volume, number of cells and slice brightness increased with increasing NaCl at both fat levels. Although a sensorial
comparison of puff pastries revealed that salt reduction (30%) was perceptible, no significant differences were
found for all other investigated attributes. Nevertheless, a reduction of 30% salt and 40% fat in puff pastry is
achievable as neither the perception and visual impression nor attributes such as volume, firmness and flavour
of the final products were significantly affected.