most bike accidents are due to equipment failure,weather condition,and biker carelessness. to begin with,many different pieces of bicycle equipment can become defective and cause bike accidents. for example,if a bike does not have good brakes,it cannot be stopped effectively. similarly, a weak light will make it more difficult for a biker to see at night. aside from defective equipment, a biker often has difficulty controlling his bicycle when it is windy and rainy. under such conditions,water may impair the brakes and obstruct the biker's view; too much wind will affect steering.nonetheless, bike accidents are mainly
caused by biker carelessness.for example,accidents can be produced by a biker who does not stop at a stop sign and by a biker whose pants' legs get caught in the bike chain. the number of bike accidents could be greatly reduced if bikers checed their equipment,rode in good weather,and practiced bike safety.