Along with an increasingly expanding elderly population
worldwide, the percentage of elderly patients diagnosed with
diabetes mellitus is continually increasing and is currently as
high as 20.4 percent [1]. This pattern can also be seen in elderly patients with peripheral vascular disease. A recent American study revealed that 29 percent of type II diabetes patients older than 50 suffered from lower extremity vascular disease [2]. Furthermore, it is known that peripheral vascular disease that is highly associated with diabetes can impede the healing of ulcers and increase the risk of amputation necessity [3]. The recently updated American Diabetes Association exercise guidelines state that exercise should be performed at least three times per weeks [4]. Exercising regularly for a long period of time is critical for promoting metabolism, improving insulin sensitivity and decreasing blood sugar. In addition, exercise is also critical for both stimulating blood circulation in the lower limbs and preventing foot ulcers [5e8]. Due to a low rate of movement in elderly patients and their general unwillingness to comply with a
regular exercise regimen, exercise therapy often proves challenging toen force. It is there for ecritically important to for mulate methods to drastically improve the compliance with movement in diabetic elderly patients. In this study, we expose elderly diabetic patients to a combination of music media therapy with a lower extremity sports programs. We reveal that this unique approach in successful in both promoting bloodcirculation in the patients' lower extremities as well as increasing the extent of elderly patient compliance to a consistent exercise regimen