Fiscal Years 2012-2016 JAL Group Medium Term Management Plan Rolling Plan 2015
Photo: JAL Group Announces Medium Term Management plan Rolling Plan 2015
Establishing the Medium Term Management Plan Rolling Plan 2015
Three years have passed since "JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016" was announced. We drew up "Medium-Term Management Rolling Plan 2015" in order to analyze changes in the internal and external environment and to review the progress we have made so far and determinedly achieve our plan, with the aim to achieve the management targets of the Medium Term Management Plan based on the current business environment;
to enable JAL Group staff to reaffirm the direction we are heading for, and to understand our current positioning; and
to present to our customers, shareholders and all stakeholders the progress we have made with the Medium-Term Management Plan.
By achieving our management targets, we aim to realize the JAL Group Corporate Policy.