This writing course has helped me to improve my skills as a writer in many different ways. I took this course with the hopes of improving my writing ability in several major ways. First, I hoped that this course would allow me to be able to write in several different formats such as persuasive papers, strictly research papers, and comparison papers. Second, I hoped that by taking this course, I would improve the speed in which it took me to complete the writing process of a paper. For this aspect, I wanted to be able to develop an ability to quickly translate the research or major points I was attempting to push for onto the physical paper. Finally, I hoped that taking this course would improve my overall quality of work. It made no sense to me to be able to fill pages with content if it was mediocre at best. I feel that his course has helped me achieve my goals. When I started WRTG 101S, my writing skills were not to a level of which I was proud of, however upon completing the course, I feel that my overall skill level has improved dramatically.