Thanks go to Fritz vom Scheidt, who shared the writer ‘ s “great person” theory a decade ago, before it was found to exist in the literature, and to jim Conrad, whose sterling mentorship gave much to the life experiences that comprise many parts of the text. Without him there may not have been a text. Yvon Gasse Universite and Louis Jacques Filion at Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales have been kind patrons of my work, as has Rein Leqpnurn at the University of Saskatchewan and Walter Good at the University of Manitoba. The texts of Professor John Bratton, University of Calgry, served as the model for my own text, as have those of Stanley Shapiro, Simon Fraser University’ s foemer philosophical dean of business, and his associate Lindsay Meredith. Peter Thomson, director of the British Columbia Institute of Technology ‘ s Venture Program, offered great into the discipline of entrepreneurship, as did Susan Bell of the Open Learning Agency in Vancouver. Peter Bellos of the National Research Council in Kamloops has been a great stimulator of this effort, as has Dr. Wedd, Director of UCC’ s Advanced Technology and Innovation Centre.