Everyone thinks a ghostly, killer dog, which has haunted the Baskervil การแปล - Everyone thinks a ghostly, killer dog, which has haunted the Baskervil ม้ง วิธีการพูด

Everyone thinks a ghostly, killer d

Everyone thinks a ghostly, killer dog, which has haunted the Baskerville family for generations, killed Sir Charles. Sir Henry, Charles's only heir has come back to England to claim his new money and mansion in the creepy countryside. But first, Henry asks Sherlock Holmes to clear up the haze surrounding his uncle's death.
In London, weird things happen to Henry: he gets a note warning him not to come to the mansion, two of his shoes are stolen, and a bad guy follows him. Holmes tells Watson to go the countryside with Henry to keep an eye on him. Watson notices strange things going on in the mansion. Henry falls in love with Beryl, his hot-looking neighbor, but her brother, Jack, gets mad.
Watson gathers clues and writes reports to Holmes, who is supposed to be in London. But Watson discovers that Holmes has been secretly hanging around, checking things out. Holmes is pretty sure the killer is Jack who used the legend of the ghostly, killer dog to scare Charles to death. Holmes is sure Jack has something up his sleeve to do away with Henry.
It turns out, Jack is really Henry's uncle, though he keeps his mouth shut about it, so no one will know he is out to get the Baskerville money and mansion. And Beryl is really his wife. Jack used a real-live dog dabbed with glow-in-the-dark paint to scare Charles to death. Jack was the bearded man trailing Henry through London. He stole Henry's shoe to give the dog his scent. Jack also locked Beryl in her hotel room, but she figured out a way to send Henry a warning to stay away from the mansion.
Finally, Jack lures Henry to his house at night, and when Henry is walking home, Jack sicks his mad-dog after him. Holmes shoots the dog in the nick of time and chases Jack into a swampy maze of quicksand, where Jack falls and sinks to his death.
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ผลลัพธ์ (ม้ง) 1: [สำเนา]
Sawv daws xav tias ib ghostly, killer aub, uas muaj haunted Baskerville tsev rau tiam, tua Sir Charles. Sir Henry, Charles ntawd tsuas txais tau rov qab los mus hais los thov nws nyiaj tshiab thiab lub tsev loj nyob rau ntawm creepy countryside. Tab sis ua ntej tshaj, Henry nug Sherlock Holmes kom dim ntawm lwm tus rau nws tus txiv hlob tuag taws kub nnyiab ya.Nyob rau London, weird tej yam tshwm sim rau Henry: nws tau ceeb toom ib lus ceeb toom nws tsis xav tuaj rau lub tsev loj, nws nkawm khau ob leeg yog neeg nyiag lawm, thiab ib tug txiv leej tub tsis zoo raws li nws. Holmes qhia Watson mus rau countryside nrog Henry kom tus muag rau nws. Watson ntawv ceeb toom txog tej yam coj txawv txawv mus hauv lub tsev loj. Henry ntog hauv hlub nrog Beryl, nws kub-nrhiav neeg zej zos, tab sis nws tus kwv, nkaus, twg thiaj npau taws.Watson sib sau ncig thiab sau ntaub ntawv mus Holmes, uas yuav tsum tau nyob rau London. Tab sis Watson tim khawv tias Holmes twb raug nyiag dai ncig, xyuas tej yam uas. Holmes yog ib lub killer yog nkaus siv tus lus dab neeg ntawm ghostly, killer aub hem Charles tuag kom zoo nkauj. Holmes ntsoov nkaus tau ib yam dab tsi txog nws lub tes tsho tam sim ntawd uas ua Henry raws sijhawm hauv qab no.Puv, nkaus heev Henry tus txiv ntxawm, txawm nws yuav nws lub qhov ncauj kaw txog nws, ces tsis muaj leej twg yuav paub tau nws tau ces yog tawm lub Baskerville nyiaj thiab lub tsev loj. Thiab Beryl tiag tiag yog nws tus poj niam. Nkaus siv nyob ntawm dev dabbed nrog glow-ua-tus-maub xim hem Charles kom tuag. Nkaus yog tus txiv neej bearded trailing Henry ntawm London. Nws nyiag tus Henry khau muab tus aub nws tus ntxhiab. Nkaus no kuj muab tub Beryl nyob hauv nws lub hoob tsev so, tab sis nws figured tawm ib txoj kev xa Henry yog ceeb toom kom txav deb ntawm lub tsev loj.Thaum kawg, nkaus lures Henry rau nws lub tsev thaum tsaus ntuj, thiab thaum Henry yog taug kev hauv tsev, nkaus sicks nws vwm-dev tom qab nws. Holmes lub nick tau hawm yub tus aub thiab chases nkaus rau hauv ib swampy tshawb txog av zom, qhov twg nkaus ntog thiab ntxuav kom nws tuag.
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