“Nothing without Love”
By Nate Rues
I am noting without love
I’m but a ship stuck in the love
Some would say that I’m all alone
But I am
I’m nothing without love
I want to hold her in my arms
But she feeling low she feeling sad
I would take credit for what’s wrong
But I am
I’m noting without love
Three years at sea after the storm
On this sinking ship
That love had put me on
God I wish a gust of wind
Would come and carry me home
But I, I got nowhere to go
Now here you show up
With the force of a wave
And so I’m setting my sail
I’m headed for the empire state
I don’t want to lose this one
She makes me feel whole
You know I am
I am noting without love
Baby show me assign
Send up a signal
That everything’s fine
Come on slide up
You Know that I
I want to rest in your light
I am noting without love
I’m just these thoughts without a pen
And I would take credit for this some
But I am noting without love
Credit n:
Praise or approval that you receive for something good that has happened
Gust n:
A sudden strong increase in the amount and speed of wind that is blowing
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