From the fourth years students section D2 English program in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. We are prepared a project Seminar in English Language Usage in Thai Social Context. Thai people mainly use English language as the international language of communication. Those who can use English language well to communicate. There will be opportunities in education, working, and promote the use of English language increasing. The development of knowledge and skills in English, listening, speaking, reading, and writing including translation are very important in the context of social in present because the 4 skills and translation are help to enhance the learning and work including to using English in culture of westerner. Our group can arrange Seminar in English Language Usage in Thai Social Context to enhance the experience and knowledge to the students. We want to understand the problems of the English language in Thai social context can bring knowledge to solve problems and enhance the skills of the English language.