In the future most indicators signal that
cyber attacks will become more
complex, more severe, and more
difficult to prevent, detect, and address.
• Accountants can be crucial to
identifying, assessing and mitigating
the risks.
• Constant monitoring/updating
defences can reduce risk and costs.
• Internal audit can provide assurance
on controls and policies to govern
data privacy and security.
• CFOs and the finance function need
to act as guardians of data.
• Miniaturisation. Memory and
processing chips too small to see
with the naked eye will be
embedded into objects such as
jewellery as ‘smart dust’ with the
capacity to constantly collect and
transmit information.
• Further into the future, beyond
2025, biotech-engineered bacteria
will also be able to contain
electronic circuits. If they are made
capable of reproduction, they could
become impossible to avoid – and
eliminate privacy and security.