Researchers use electrodes of some definite shapes while
investigating the breakdown properties of any insulating
material [1], out of which the Sphere-sphere, sphere-plane,
plane-plane electrodes are most common. It has been reported
that the breakdown mechanism of any dielectric is strongly
influenced by the shape and size of the electrodes used [2].
However, it is a time consuming and costly affair to perform
experiments using electrodes of different shapes over a wide
range of variation. Numerical solutions on the other hand are
comparatively easy and a sound estimate could be done
before doing a particular experiment. Analytical analysis to
estimate the electric field and the distribution of equipotential
lines across the axis of a few electrodes is possible only if
they have some definite geometrical shapes [3]-[4]. For the
electrodes of other shapes, which do not have regular geometrical shape or axis of symmetry, different simulation
techniques are used.
The contribution of this paper is to characterize the
symmetrical electrode to estimate the degree of uniformity
which reducing the time and cost while selecting proper
electrodes in various types of experimental and real life
applications. The next section of this paper elaborates the
Charge Simulation Method (CSM) for symmetrical electrode
system and section III shows the flow chart of the simulation
technique. Experiment results and performance analysis are
shown in section IV and section V focuses the conclusion and observation.