Relocation to Australia was especially enabled by the 1973 Trans-Tasman Travel
Arrangement that legally enabled free movement of national citizens between New
Zealand and Australia (Vasta, 2004). However, changes to the bilateral social security
arrangement between Australia and New Zealand, which was introduced in February
2001, have produced challenges. Since then, Samoans in Australia with New Zealand
citizenship have been classed as temporary residents. Few can meet the stringent
criteria for permanent residence, which is a prerequisite for Australian citizenship and
the social benefits it allows. One such benefit is HECS-Help which enables Australian
students to begin paying fees for a higher education program only when they earn at
least a certain level of income. Without access to HECS-Help, Samoan families must
pay university fees up-front. This is a prohibitive expense for most so members of
these families are generally denied higher education opportunities.