Molecular techniques offer an alternative to time-consuming traditional methods of faunal
identification based onmorphology. The first stage in developing amolecular technique is to
have a robust method to extract DNA. Here methods are assessed using nematodes as a
model faunal group. A traditional DNA extraction, with proteinase K digestion followed by
phenol chloroform extraction; sodium hydroxide extraction; and physical disruption, fol-
lowed by utilisation of one of four proprietary PCR purification kitswere tested for nematode
DNA extraction. Nematode communities were isolated from a range of habitats (arable
agriculture, sand dune, coniferous forest, permanent pasture andmoorland). Template DNA
concentration was measured and PCR-amplification performed to test the suitability of the
extracts for downstream molecular applications. DNA extraction with phenol chloroform
purification consistently yielded high-quality template DNA as did the DNA extraction
followed by the Purelink PCR purification kit. T-RFLP based on a single enzyme digest
was sufficient to discriminate between nematode communities extracted from all five
habitats. In addition, T-RFLP demonstrated that there was little difference in perceived
nematode community composition following amplification of DNA extract purified through
either the Qiaquick or Purelink kits. Physical disruption of tissue followed by purification
through a kit provides a rapid, reliable and relatively inexpensivemethod of DNA extraction,
yielding high-quality template. We suggest that kit suitability should be tested for each
habitat under investigation as there may be a limited bias between kits for the community
DNA extracted. Application of high-throughput molecular techniques to soil microfauna
increases their potential to be used as indicators in routine monitoring of soil health.