Recent developments in fast disintegrating tablets have brought convenience in dosing to pediatric and elderly patients who
have trouble in swallowing tablets. The objective of the present study was to prepare the fast disintegrating tablet of Cetirizine
Hydrochloride for allergic and respiratory disorders. As precision of dosing and patient’s compliance become important prerequisite
for a long-term treatment, there is a need to develop a formulation for this drug which overcomes problems such as difficulty
in swallowing, inconvenience in administration while travelling, and patient’s acceptability. Hence, the present investigation was
undertaken with a view to develop a fast disintegrating tablet of Cetirizine Hydrochloride which offers a new range of products
having desired characteristics and intended benefits. Superdisintegrants such as Sodium Starch Glycolate were optimized. Different
binders were optimized along with optimized superdisintegrant concentration. The tablets were prepared by direct compression
technique. The tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability, weight variation, wetting time, disintegration time and uniformity of
content. Optimized formulation was evaluated by in vitro dissolution test, drug excipient compatibility and accelerated stability
study. It was concluded that fast disintegrating tablets of Cetirizine Hydrochloride were formulated successfully with desired
characteristics which disintegrated rapidly, provide rapid onset of action, and enhance the patient convenience and compliance.