Likewise, according to the five precepts of Buddhism, it is absolutely sinful to hunt or kill all creatures on earth especially on purpose. This is due to the first of five precepts that prohibit all Buddhists from taking the lives of living beings and anyone including the Buddhists, who abide by these five precepts, would bring peace and happiness to the society and their world mates (, 2015). On the top of this, killing all kinds of animals is very cruel. In case of domesticated animals or cattle, those are brutally killed by the slaughters in order to get them transferred to raw meat for consuming, while, in many illegal farms, many stray canines and felines are living in dirty cages and suffering food shortage while being transferred before being slaughtered for foods. These animals cannot speak or tell how painful they are when they are being killed for any purposes. On this ground, violating the first of five precepts as described is considered absolutely sinful and cruel. Thus, any literate persons should avoid this cruel act.