In measurements of individuals from pictures taken in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea, l/w values ranged from 2.16+0.045 (Table II). The lateral canals have numerous diverticulae, which may branch out in adult ctenophores, but they do not anostomose with each other, and do not connect with the paragastric canals (Fig. 5A). The eight rows of cilia extend about three-quarters of the distance from the apical sense-organ to the mouth. There is no ring-canal around the mouth and the peripheral canal systems of the two broad sides are separated from each other. It has an axial funnel-tube. The polar-plate surrounds the sense organ at the aboral pole, which is fringed with a row of long-branched papillae (Fig. 5B). The oral part is rather rounded. These features are not characteristic for Beroe ovata, but rather of Beroe cucumis (Mayer, 1912).