So i give you a good news hehe ^^
God is the creator of the heaven, the earth and of us all: God is Love, is pure Spirit, and is composed by the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. But is One :D
OMG, how can i explain all!
In few words: so, from the nothing, God created the angels with the free will so that they could choose between Love or themselves. Some of them refused God, and losing their grace they fell on the earth (these fallen angels are satan and the demons, the false gods). Then God created the universe and, at the end, the man. The fallen angels hate God but they can't defeat Him: so, they try to let Him suffer by making us losing our soul into the hell with them. The man in fact has the free will too to accept God or not. The first men, Adam and Eve, lived in a perfect Paradise at the presence of God with a only easy commandment... The evil angels let them broke this commandment, and the sin entered in the world bringing the death, so that it became like it is now. So since then the man can't see God (but still can feel Him), and need to suffer. God promised to save the men from this situation of death and revealed Himself to the Jews first giving them His Laws (the 10 Commandments), to fight the sin, and then He fulfilled the revelation in Jesus Christ, who is God and who accepted to die on the Cross in expiation for the sins of everybody...He died bcz of His immense Love for us, to give us the possibility to have again the Eternal Life. But not everybody accept it...bcz of satan...
If everybody would believe in the influence of the evil angels it would be necessary only the prayer to restore the Paradise here and change evil people into good people. As this is not possible, and as now the world is at its worst point of perversion, God will punish those who refuse Him...and, about this: the evil angels create wars, earthquakes and so on. God use the evil for the good, and these things are used as a purification, to save souls that would have died in mortal sin. Suffering now, they can reach the Heaven safe, also if to us it seems bad :) After the Warning, anyway, God will punish directly throught the 7 seals of the Revelation...uhm, we'll talk later about it :)
At the end times (ours) need to come out 2 people, that will deny God and will substitue Him: the false prophet (who is already out) and the antichrist, who will come out soon. They will die in God's punishment, and at the end of everything those who believed and survived "will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matt 24:30) Then there will be the final judgment, and we will be judged basing on how much we did love God and our neightbours (also the people of other religions can be saved, if they truly searched God in their heart and if they lived loving others. Atheist, satanist and evil people will be bringed to the hell by their own choice...the only exception is that throught the prayers of the believers some of them can be saved too). Anyway God revealed Himself only to the Jews first and particulary to Christians then, so that's the easiest way to recognise and reach Him ^^
When Christ will come we will be "similar to Him" and we'll live with God forever, as the earth is only a trial as it was for the angels: choose the Love or not. God let us decide, but there is a time limit that is quite over.
Before going on there is a thing that you should know, bcz it's the centre of everything: the Eucharist is the thing that we eat at the Catholic Mass, and it's the true Body and Blood of Christ - it's the soul's food. When it will be deleted from the Church by the false prophet (that is the actual Pope) the antichrist will come out to deceive the world.
Can you understand all?? If i tell you all this, there is a good reason, don't worry :D
Tell me if i can go on ^^