Recent advances in targeted therapy provided a new treatment option for non-small cell lung cancer. As therepresentative of first generation epidermal growth factorreceptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR-TKI), gefitinib pro-longed progression-free survival and improved quality oflife compared with platinum-based doublet chemotherapyin patients with NSCLC whose tumors have activating epi-dermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations.4—6Theresponse rate of EGFR-TKI in patients with EGFR mutationsis about 70—80%.7—9Despite the high response rate, thedevelopment of secondary resistance in 10 —14 months aftertreatment inevitably leads to treatment failure.10Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) has been used forthousands of years, some studies reported that CHM mayreduce the occurrence of adverse reactions such as ane-mia and neutropenia.11CHM may also improve the quality oflife, reduce recurrence rate and prolonging overall survival,etc.12In previous clinical practice, we found that CHM couldimprove therapeutic efficacy of gefitinib. In this study,we assessed whether gefitinib plus CHM could prolong theprogression-free survival (PFS) or median survival time (MST)in patients with NSCLC than gefitinib alone.MethodsPatientsWe retrospectively