Of those tested, the Oswin’s equation was found to be in the best accordance
with statistical indicators analysed. Moisture sorption isotherm measured for the whole
milk powder showed sigmoid shapes that corresponded to the type II BET classification
(Rao and Rizvi 1995). Although moisture sorption curves were generated for both water
adsorption and desorption, the hysteresis effect was negligible. The point of inflection was
at aw » 0.5 (Figs 1–3). The increase in temperature caused an increase in the value of aw, for
the same MC. For constant values of aw, an increase in temperature caused a decrease in the
amount of water adsorbed, indicating that the material becomes less hygroscopic at higher
temperatures. This effect was considerable for both adsorption and desorption (Table 4
and Figs 1–3). Such observations are important for determining the proper conditions for
different technological processes, especially for drying, storage, and packaging
Of those tested, the Oswin’s equation was found to be in the best accordancewith statistical indicators analysed. Moisture sorption isotherm measured for the wholemilk powder showed sigmoid shapes that corresponded to the type II BET classification(Rao and Rizvi 1995). Although moisture sorption curves were generated for both wateradsorption and desorption, the hysteresis effect was negligible. The point of inflection wasat aw » 0.5 (Figs 1–3). The increase in temperature caused an increase in the value of aw, forthe same MC. For constant values of aw, an increase in temperature caused a decrease in theamount of water adsorbed, indicating that the material becomes less hygroscopic at highertemperatures. This effect was considerable for both adsorption and desorption (Table 4and Figs 1–3). Such observations are important for determining the proper conditions fordifferent technological processes, especially for drying, storage, and packaging
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