Analysis of four typical cities shows that: The im- pact of macroeconomic factors on house price cyclical fluctuation varies according to housing market in differ- ent regions. In Beijing and Chongqing, per capita dis- posable income has significant effect on house prices whose elasticity are greater than 1 while the effects are lower in Shanghai and Guangzhou. Referring to CPI and loans of financial institutions, even the coefficient sign is opposite in different regions. This situation may be due to adopting different periods lagged. Meanwhile, con- struction cost of residential units, housing stock and GDP have lower influences on house prices in each region. Finally in the case of short-term fluctuation, the extent of current price deviation correction made by non-equilibrium error in the previous period also varies in different regions. The extent of correction is larger and house prices have stronger sensitivity and volatility in Beijing and Shanghai than that of Guangzhou and Chongqing.