Network Structure
Network structure can affect knowledge transfer independent
of the effects of common knowledge and tie strength.
Network-based models of social capital emphasize the importance
of cohesion and range. Cohesion refers to the extent
to which a relationship is surrounded by strong third-party
connections. Range refers to the extent to which network
connections span institutionalo, rganizationalo, r social boundaries.
Although both network patterns have been linked to
the flow of informationt, hey are often viewed as being in
opposition. The benefits of cohesion are believed to come at
the expense of the benefits provided by range and vice
versa. Recent work indicates that the two network forms are
not inherently at odds, however (Reagans and Zuckerman,
2001; Burt,2 002; Garguiloa nd Rus, 2002), but that an optimal
network combines elements of cohesion and range. For
example, the most productive teams are internally cohesive
but have external networks full of structural holes (Reagans,
Zuckerman, and McEvily, 2003). We extend this line of
research by focusing on the complementary effects of cohesion
and range on knowledge transfer