1) Explain procedures and purpose of Business research. How research type is different?
2) Explain Statistics-Concept (Descriptive and Inferential, Parametric and Non-Parametric). What are the alternatives they offer when key assumptions and requirements for parametric techniques cannot be met?
3) Identified differentiation between Probability and Non-Probability Sampling
4) What business research is and how it differs from academic research?
5)What are the distinction between positivism approach and interpretivism approach?
6)The distinction between good business research and research that falls short of professional quality are:
7) Explain the similarities and difference the four scale types used in measurement, including the example of each scale.
8) What is the appropriate test statistic to use to determine the significance of the coefficient of determination in a bivariate regression? why?
9) How to test regression models for linearity and whether the equation is effective in fitting the data?