COLIN believes that creative tourism offers several opportunities for the cultural and creative field of Noord-Brabant, especially in the light of the ECoC bid. Creative tourism can help in creating stories, routes and programmes that link the urban and rural areas. Via creative tourism programmes, inhabitants and visitors of BrabantStad can meet, interact and experience the area. It provides a platform for (among others) creative businesses to show themselves, to collaborate, and to generate business. By creative tourism programmes or using creative tourism methods (cultural) infrastructure can be strengthened: different audiences can be reached, new market opportunities can be explored, and entrepreneurship is stimulated. Cities can use creative tourism as an instrument for branding the area, the city, or the entire province (as long as been build upon the strengths or DNA of that specific place). Most importantly, it shows persons to look differently, to experience the environment in another way. Therefore, it leads to connections: between people, sectors, disciplines and areas.