Lesson 5: Coach for performance (5.19)
Coaching with GROW
Why was Mina’s second coaching session with Tim more successful than the first? Compare the sessions side-by-side, against the elements of the GROW model. By setting a positive goal, using open-ended questions to explore reality, and engaging in a dialogue of options, Mina was able to find a way forward with Tim.
Coaching session 1: I know you’ll turn this around Coaching session 2: What do you think is going on?
GOAL Mina's observations had a negative tone. ("Your underperformance is dramatic.") Mina's observations recognized Tim’s past performance. ("A year ago you were the biggest producer on the desk.")
REALITY Mina's questions ("Has anything changed? Everything OK at home?") gave her little new information. Mina's questions led her to important new information about Tim’s clients. ("They put us in the penalty box for a couple months.")
OPTIONS No options or action experiments were discussed. Mina and Tim brainstormed options to address several specific issues.
WAY FORWARD Mina and Tim agreed that Tim will "turn this around," but there were no concrete next steps. Mina and Tim planned monthly meetings to discuss his accounts.
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